Introducing Catalogs

Immediate visibility into all of your software entities

Documentation, change history, dependencies, and always up-to-date ownership information—all in one place.

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Cortex dashboard with overview, operations and code and security data
Overview of services ownership for a few dwevelopers using cortex app

Always up to date ownership

Never be surprised by an orphaned service. Assign ownership of services and Cortex will automatically keep it up to date by syncing with your Identity Provider.


Automatically sync critical data about all your services and infrastructure

Connect your IdP, observability, and other tools for a single-source of truth about service ownership, components, and dependencies.

Overview of critical data inside cortex app
Example of change made to one resource impacting other assets
Dependency Tree

Understand upstream and downstream impact

See how changes to your resources and services impact other assets across your ecosystem.

Autocomplete, result cacher postgress and query analyzer items as children of Experience and Search

Organize information by business needs

Order domains, teams, services, and infrastructure in the way that makes the most sense for your business. Slice reporting however you need to drive action.


Answer questions faster with CQL

Cortex Query Language lets you ask multi-source questions like, “Who’s on call for services in our payment product?,” or, “Which services are still on the old secrets manager?”

Results of question made to Cortex Query Language